Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So today

was a turning point for me, I do believe.

I got a job-Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf on Tatum and Shea (:
Stress level went from a 580 to a 20. So much lighter.
I finally accepted the fact that I'm GOING to homecoming. I'm starting to get excited about it.
All these weird dreams about Steve have been making me think a lot about my heart towards him, and trying to figure out where I need to be at when it comes to his name that's been carved in my heart. And you know what? I've become soft towards him. I don't know how he feels, nor do I care, really. But I think I'm going to be fine from here on out. His world doesn't make me feel crazy anymore. His nicknacks and childhood scars don't worry me. His life is his, not concerning me. But, with all that said-I want to be there for him as much as he is for me. Only, in a healthier sense. Because this feud between the two of us, that I've so willingly let make home in my heart, has got to stop. It's not a one-up game. Who's court the ball's in. There is no game anymore. The stitches are out and I'm healed. Memories, yes, but memories is all it is. And that's fine.

I reach certain points with Brittany, where I just fall completely in love with her. Yesterday and today I hit those points pretty hard. I love her so much and I think I'd be a mess without her. She's so precious to me.

I am grateful for the strangest things right now.
I love it.

I've decided that when I'm (somewhat) old(er) I want to open a used book store/coffee shop/bakery. It'll be quaint and I'll sell soup and home made crackers.
